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Covid 19 | Tips & Tricks

Anthony Weber

A child having her temperature taken in the ear

This post concerns reducing your risk and staying healthy amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Weber Chiropractic has put together some steps you can take to prevent the spread and limit your exposure:

Are you sick? How to know if you have COVID-19…If you have signs of illness, most likely you have the common cold or the flu. According to Dr. Bruce Aylward of the World Health Organization, 90% of COVID-19 patients have a high fever as an early symptom, and 70% have a dry cough (without a runny nose). Call your family doctor or pediatrician if you have a high fever, dry cough, and/or shortness of breath. They will help determine if you or your child need to be seen immediately. Otherwise, you likely have either the flu or the common cold. In any case, staying home and limiting your contact with others is best until you are healthy again.

What can you do to support your body’s immune response? There are many natural ways to help your body fight infections:

  • We all know the basics by now—cover coughs properly, wash hands frequently with soap and water, and especially before eating or touching your face. Wipe down communal surfaces in your home and car frequently with disinfectant or soapy water (doorknobs, remotes, steering wheels, etc.).

  • Be sure you and your family stay well-hydrated and get plenty of sleep.

  • Eat a healthy diet, limiting added sugars, caffeine, and alcohol, weakening the immune response. Eat as many fresh foods as possible, as they are chock-full of vitamins and micro-nutrients that support your immune response.

  • Specific foods that support our immune systems include ginger, garlic, and lemon.

  • Supplements, such as Sambucus (aka elderberry), probiotics, and vitamins A, C, and D can also help boost your immune response.

  • Please talk with our doctors if you want more information about your healthcare needs.

There is currently a vaccine for this pathogen. To protect yourself, your best bet is to take the same preventive actions you would to avoid the flu:

  • Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer)

  • Not touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick

  • Staying home when you are sick

  • Covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue and then throwing the tissue away

  • Cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces you touch frequently.

  • Here are more steps from the CDC.

  • Get vaccinated regularly

Call Weber Chiropractic at 503-538-1232 for any questions regarding chiropractors in Newberg, Oregon, health and wellness care in Newberg at Weber Chiropractic.

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