Your posture is related to your position when you sit, stand, or perform daily activities. Poor posture increases the potential for injury tremendously. Prolonged sitting is a frequent cause of back and neck pain and overall body fatigue. Some simple modifications to your positioning can take a lot of stress off your joints and allow for more energy throughout the day.
The chiropractic physician at Weber Chiropractic in Newberg, Oregon, specializes in locating and correcting postural stresses. A standing and seated examination will help determine which areas need the most attention for most patients. The practitioner will observe various anatomical structures, including the position of your head, shoulder, hip, pelvis, knee, feet, and spine. Chiropractic manipulation, massage therapy, and other related treatments would provide relief; however, combining patient education with home care will allow for more significant improvements.
Common complaints from a person who sits most of the day while working on a computer or doing desk work include tightness in the upper back and shoulders, headaches due to forward head placement, lower back strain, fatigue, and shallow breathing patterns. Many of the complaints can be corrected with some simple exercises. It is challenging to retrain habits, especially with poor posture, but the payoff is exponential.
Simple ways to help with postural stress and fatigue include taking frequent micro-breaks and standing up, practicing light stretching or range of motion of your arms and legs, and incorporating yoga and meditation. Postural awareness exercises, such as the Brugger’s position, teach patients how “perfect posture” should feel and awaken the appropriate muscles through habitual training. Below, you can see how the Brugger position can be performed while standing or seated.
Brugger’s Postural Awareness Exercise

1.) Sit on the edge of a chair or stand in a neutral position
2.) Elevate the chest diagonally towards the ceiling
3.) Bring shoulder blades together and downwards, letting the shoulder
roll back and arms hang down with palms open
4.) Look straight forward and position your head neutrally. Hold position with full belly breathing for 30 seconds per hour, within pain-free tolerance.
To learn more about improving your body's performance with a Newberg Chiropractor and postural specialist, contact Dr. Anthony Weber at Newberg Wellness and Injury Clinic. Weber Chiropractic at 503-538-1232.